The Ancient Flavor of Moshio ( Algae Salt)

Moshio 藻塩 (alge salt) is a specialty product of Kamagari, Kure. Unlike usual salt, it's light brown, granular and not as salty. Take a lick, the natural and mild flavor will spread throughout your mouth. It contains various kinds of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iodine. Moshio is a natural health food. In addition. It's good for every kind of cuisine.


The production center of Moshio, Kamagari, is located in the Seto Inland Sea. This area has long been famous for its salt production. The mild climate is well suited for the salt fields. More than 20 years ago the investigation of moshio started when shards of earthenware were discovered on the shore of Kamagari. The shards were confirmed to be parts of a pot used to make salt in the tumulus period, 3rd to 7th century. With few clues, the research faced challenging difficulties. 



While examining old books for some hints, the word tamamo 玉藻was found along with the word moshio in Manyoshu 万葉集 (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves), the oldest 

existing collection of Japanese poetry compiled in the 8th century. These words became the key to know how to make moshio. Tamamo is a kind of algae with seaweed, the main ingredient of moshio. After ten years of trial and error, researchers finally reached the probable way to produce moshio.


Different from typical salt field production, moshio is produced in a unique way; to boil down concentrated seawater flavored with hondawara seaweed in earthenware.


#135 Parkway Vol.26. No.1 January - March 2011






しかし、藻塩やその製法に関する文献はほとんどなく、解明は困難を極めた。解明の糸口となったのは万葉集の一節だった。「・・・朝凪に玉藻かかりつ夕なぎに藻塩焼きつつ・・・」 この藻塩という言葉からホンダワラ(玉のついた藻)にたどり着き、10年にわたる試行錯誤を重ね、ついに藻塩製塩法解明に成功したのだ。


