The Kangensai Festival

The Kangensai Festival (管弦祭), a Shinto ritual held in Miyajima since 12th century, comes on  June 17th by the lunar calendar. From Aga of our city three OKOGIBUNEs, rowboats, take part in this festival drawing the GOZA FUNE, a flat boat with a straw mat on it.


The scene of this festival leads us back to  1702. It was not good weather on June 17th of that year, but the festival was carried out as scheduled. The wind was so strong that the GOZA FUNE was nearly capsized. Boats including three fishing boats form Aga happened to be nearby. They came and drew it back to Itsukushima shrine. These boats were thanked for their help and requested to join the festival of the following year. Since then colorfully ornamented boats have rowed off from Aga port on this proud day.


Parkway Vol.3 No.4 October 1989




この祭りの光景は1702年に遡る。その年の6月17日、悪天候だったが、予定通りに祝祭は行われた。 風が強く、御座船が転覆寸前だったところを、近くにいた、阿賀からの漁船3隻などが救助にあたり、御座船を引いて厳島神社に戻した。 船はその労をねぎらわれ、翌年の祭りに参加するよう要請を受けた。 以来、色とりどりの装飾を施された船が、この誇らしき日に阿賀港から漕ぎ出している。