After World War II, the city of Kure was occupied by U.S. Forces. The following year, 1946, British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) took over and was stationed until its disorganization in 1952. Meanwhile, the Korean War started and the British Commonwealth Force, Korea (BCFK) was stationed in Kure as logistic support. The force was disengaged in 1956.
We can hardly talk about postwar Kure without taking those forces and their servicemen into account. Kure must have witnessed a lot of interactions between its citizens and the ex-servicemen. Parkway came to know more about those days in the privilege of interviewing the related people and receiving contributions from ex-servicemen.
Prologue: プロローグ
Fraternization Policy vs Cultural Exchange フラタニゼーション政策 対 文化交流
Pioneer in Cultural Exchange: Kure YWCA 文化交流のパイオニア:呉YWCA
Hoping for a Return Visit to Kure 呉再訪への期待
We Have Returned ただいま帰りました
Memories of BCOF & BCFK Ex-servicemen 元英連邦軍(BCOF・BCFK)兵士の思い出
What was happening in Kure, through the eyes of British ex-servicemen
Peace had only been declared recently 平和がやってきて・・・
by David Pamment 1945-48
Setting up a Communications Center in Kure 1946 1946年1月通信所設営
by George Thompson 1946
by Jack Sanders 1946-47
Kure where it all began for me すべての始まりは呉
by Lola Okazaki 1949-54
Our Great Adventure in Kure 私たちの大冒険
by Derek Trayler 1951-52
Memories of Kure 1951-52 呉の思い出:1951-52
by Tom Walker 1951-52
Happy Memories of the Army and All That Jazz 陸軍の思い出あれこれ
by Ron Jocelyn 1951-53
by Alan Palmer 1956
Happy Memories of Long Ago 遠い昔の思い出話
by Bryden McCall 1946-48
Eddie Prescott 1951
David Oats 1952-53
John Boyd 1952
Robert Edwardson 1952-53
Geoff Rimmer 1954
Ron Ely 1954
Dennis Waller 1955
Wilf Aldridge 1954-55
Thoughts: Kure Revisited 呉再訪に思うこと by Fred Morgan
Kure Re-visited: Some Reflections 呉再訪を振り返って
by John Beckwith
Alan Porter
Jean Bramley
Betty Johnstone
Hatsue Williams
Epilogue エピローグ
Through a Child's Eye 子どもの目を通して
by Jennifer Kenyon-Smith